Modern Models of Public Administration in EU Countries: Implementation Experience

Keywords: public administration, NPM — New Public Management, GG — Good governance, agencification, client centred approach


The comparative characteristics of European public administration systems are presented. Particular attention is paid to new models of public administration in EU countries: New Public Management (NPM); New Public Governance (NPG) or New public service (NPS); Good Governance (GG). Both positive and negative characteristics of these government models are listed. Successful reform of public administration is revealed through the creation of appropriate institutions and adherence to the relevant principles, procedures, and standards of public administration and values that should be guided by civil servants. It is proved that the sphere of organization of public administration and civil service in the EU has wide experience through the implementation of so-called «soft» standards. The focus is on highlighting effective tools for reforming public administration in the EU, their main functions. The implications of NPM implementation for European regions, which were adapted by Walter Kicker’s presentation, are outlined. The key features of the new public administration and the cardinal directions of administrative reforms implemented in each EU country are identified, as well as the improvement of the main interconnected components of the public administration system, which include: institutions; rules and procedures, processes and mechanisms for coordination of cooperation; personnel potential. The realization of the reform of the public administration through the reform of administrative procedures, the development of the civil service, the process of decentralization and agencification were clarified. In modern democratic states, managerial innovations are aimed at supporting market mechanisms for democratization of public authorities; market marketing (transformation) of the work of the state with the mass introduction of methods of state managerialism. In these government models, a customer-centric approach is put in place to develop an appropriate strategy based on consumer values, meeting expectations from service providers and implementing information technology.


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Mechanisms of Public Administration