University Scientific Notes en-US Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Features Of Conducting The SWOT Analysis Of The Strategy For Reforming Public Administration In Ukraine (2022–2025) <p>The article highlights the necessity to enhance the regulatory framework for transformative processes in the public administration system. It argues that the success of implementing state governance strategies, within the context of incorporating European Union regulatory acts into Ukrainian legislation, determines the ability of authorities to advance and implement all other reforms, accelerate economic growth rates, and secure financing for Ukraine under the Ukraine Facility Instrument. Based on the analysis of reports and monitoring of the implementation of the Strategy for Reforming Public Administration in Ukraine for 2022–2025 (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy), it is concluded that the Ukrainian system of public authorities has demonstrated its ability to function effectively in conditions of armed aggression. The article emphasizes the significance of conducting a SWOT analysis of the consequences and results of such reform, serving as a strategic management tool aimed at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the mentioned strategy. Considerable attention is paid to the appropriateness of conducting a SWOT analysis of the Strategy as a prerequisite for its successful implementation and development of its individual directions. The article discusses the improvement of the procedure and technology for conducting the SWOT analysis of the Strategy. Based on a comparative analysis of reports and monitoring results of the Strategy implementation, a detailed procedure for conducting the SWOT analysis of the Strategy is proposed, which includes defining the tasks for conducting the analysis, collecting and preliminary processing of data, identifying and evaluating critical factors: threats and opportunities, and preparing conclusions. It is demonstrated that adherence to the proposed SWOT analysis procedure allows for the formulation of a clear plan for conducting such analysis, timely identification of existing risks and weaknesses, enabling the development of an effective state policy to support it. It is substantiated that SWOT analysis is a methodology for comparing factors (threats and opportunities) that negatively and positively affect the implementation of the Strategy and objectively exist both within the text of the Strategy itself and in the Ukrainian public administration system.</p> Petro SHPYHA, Yevhenii KACHMARSKYI, Yuliia KARPENKO Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 28 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000