Adaptation of Foreign Experience in Managing the Development of Intellectual Capital of Ukraine

Keywords: intellectual capital, development, management, management of intellectual capital development, endowment fund, business incubator, education system strategy


The main problems of the organization of management of formation and use of intellectual capital are evaluated. The US laws on strengthening the system of intellectual property protection are analyzed. Among the main ones are: Bayh-Dole Act, Stevenson-Wydler Act, Federal Technology Transfer Act, National Competitiveness Act. An understanding of the endowment fund is given, which is defined as an institutional fund that is fully used by the institute to finance current activities under a donation agreement (donation), and is created exclusively for charitable purposes. Measures to increase the income of higher education institutions in Ukraine are proposed. Some results of generalization of foreign experience of management of development of intellectual capital of Ukraine are resulted. Strategies for the functioning of the education system in the development of intellectual capital in developed countries are analyzed. Among them are: the strategy of attracting skilled labor, the strategy of income, the strategy of empowerment. The main goals and characteristics of the business incubator on the basis of a higher education institution are outlined. The main tools for improving the efficiency of intellectual capital development management are substantiated.

In particular, the main focus is on the need to improve the regulatory framework, finding sources of funding for intellectual capital through the creation of endowment funds in higher education, the choice of management strategy, the establishment of business incubators. Possibilities of application in domestic practice of experience of highly developed countries on improvement of management and development of intellectual capital of Ukraine are argued. A special place is given to the substantiation of the expediency of creating business incubators on the basis of higher education institutions. The main aspects of functioning of such business incubators are substantiated. In particular, the missions, goals, objectives, possible activities, potential partners, likely sources of funding and expected results are identified.


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Mechanisms of Public Administration