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Author Guidelines


To be considered for publication in the collection of scientific papers, only research papers that have never been published before are accepted. The article should be devoted to the relevant subjects, present the results of a thorough study, and be characterized by innovations and scientific conclusions following the article’s goals (specified tasks).

Submissions are checked for plagiarism and are subject to internal and external review, which is carried out by members of the editorial board or specialists of the relevant industry. Peer review is confidential. In case of a negative review or substantial comments, the article may be rejected or returned to the author(s) for revision.

The editorial board of the journal reserves the right to edit and shorten manuscripts without violating the author’s content. Rejected manuscripts are not returned to the authors.


GUIDELINES FOR the content

The high scientific level of research.

Structurally the article should contain (with text highlighting) the following elements:

  1. a) problem statement;
  2. b) analysis of recent research and publications;
  3. c) formulating the goals of the article;
  4. d) an outline of the main research material;

(e) conclusions and prospects of further research.


GUIDELINES FOR the text volume

For a scientific article - not less than 0.5 author’s sheet (20,000 characters, including spaces). Approximate volume - at least 12 pages, designed following established requirements.

For a review - up to 0.3 author’s sheet. Be sure to send 2 copies of a monograph, tutorial, or other peer-reviewed publication.



Performing in Ukrainian or English. In some cases, exceptions may be made for foreign authors.

The written and electronic versions of the paper must contain the following information:

— information about the author of the article in Ukrainian, English, and the language of the article (surname, name, patronymic, academic degree and title, position, institution, e-mail address, ORCID);

— Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) code;

— the title of the article (review) in Ukrainian, English, and the language of the article;

— abstract in the language of the article (at least 2,000 characters) and keywords (3-6 words) in Ukrainian, English, and article language;

— presentation of the article in compliance with the requirements for the structure of the scientific article (see 1.2);

— references;

— indication of Ukrainian and foreign scientists who, in the author’s opinion, can give an unbiased and objective view of the conducted research.

The key terminology and main provisions of the article can be bold and/or italicized (underscored);

The links are in square brackets;

The list of references used is provided as mentioned (without repeating). Registration of the list of used references is carried out following state standards DSTU GOST 7.1: 2006 «System of standards for information, library, and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General Requirements and Compilation Rules» and DSTU 8302: 2015 «Information and Documentation. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of assembly».

Materials that do not meet all of the above requirements are not considered or reviewed.



The materials are submitted in person, by post or e-mail, as well as with the filling in online registration forms on the website of Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law and the site of the journal "University Scientific Notes".

For partial coverage of costs associated with the publication of the journal, the authors pay a fee for the publication of materials in the journal "University Scientific Notes". The specific cost and procedure for its payment to the account of Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law are determined at the moment of paper submission.

Post subscribers may be subject to specific conditions for the publication of their scientific articles.

The author submitting the materials to the editorial board is deemed to agree with all the rules set out on the website of the University Scientific Note Magazine and agrees to the further free distribution of materials, including the Internet, to disseminate scientific information, meeting the requirements of compliance with scientific articles and the journal as a whole national and international scientific metrics.

The editorial board reserves the right for additional review, edit, reduce, and rejection of articles, and change of wording of their titles.

It is best to obtain all information regarding the results of the material review by the editorial board via e-mail at (editorial office) or (executive secretary).

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses, specified by the users of the journal website, will be used exclusively for internal technical problems of this journal; they will not be distributed and shared with third parties.

Responsibility for the accuracy of information, facts, and other information references to regulations, quotations, and proper names are borne by the authors of the publication.