Vectors of EU Common Agricultural Policy Reforms for the Period 2021-2027 with in the International Marketing Environment

Keywords: Common Agricultural Policy, European Union, the 9 CAP objectives, European Commission, Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union


The article identifies the impact of agricultural policy on the development of state regulation of the economies of European Union member states (EU). The main reason for the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for EU member states has been identified. Some key reforms have been analyzed implemented within the integration association. It was found that the reform of CAP is due to the need to address market price uncertainty, respond to expanding access to the EU market by free trade agreements, use digital technologies to improve the accuracy and efficiency of CAP tools, accelerate their practical application, increase attention to environmental issues, environment, and climate change. The article also presents the main economic and social goals of the CAP, which are included in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. It is established that the institutional component of the CAP reform is reflected in the introduction of proposals into the legislative framework of the CAP for the period 2021-2027. The proposals of the European Commission were formulated in nine key objectives, which are considered in this article. Some tools, requirements for their use, and indicators for measuring progress towards the nine specific objectives of the CAP, which the European Commission has proposed to EU member states to achieve the defined goals are also analyzed. The CAP EU budget for 2014-2020 is considered and compared with the proposed budget for 2021-2027 (in constant 2018 prices).


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