Implementation of Innovative Energy Saving Projects to Strengthen the Competitiveness of Domestic Enterprises

Keywords: energy-savings, innovative project, competitiveness of enterprise, alternative sources of fuel or energy, project management, energy management, energy audit


The article deals with the features of innovative projects launch of the energy saving on the enterprises of Ukraine, the necessity of research of essence and specific of introduction of such projects is substantiated concerning the energy-savings on enterprises, their place in the system of economic relations is examined. Foreign experience of market of innovative projects introduction of the energy-saving is investigated, that is one of the basic component elements of effective competition which is beneficial in innovative activity of enterprises, which means the launch of innovative developments, new technologies, knowledge, information. The basic most effective districting over of territory of Ukraine is demonstrated, where realization of innovative projects of the energy efficiency introduction and energy-savings of sunny power stations and surface windy power stations is carried out. Considerable technically accessible potential of power mediums production of redintegrated energy and alternative types of fuel sources in Ukraine is revealed. The basic barriers over introduction of innovative projects in the market of energy-savings are shown, in particular: limited access to technologies and innovations, high cost of services in energy efficiency, lack of skilled specialists, sub-zero quality of suggestion of services in energy efficiency in the market etc. Attention is focused on using of project management for realization of innovative projects, as a basic tool of management, in particular to the energy management and energy audit, and their basic tasks on an enterprise are given. The basic strategic constituents regarding the development of fuel and energy complex of Ukraine and its competitiveness are pointed out, as well the use of alternative energy sources on a period to 2035, that is mentioned in operating Power strategy «Safety, energy efficiency, competitiveness». The mechanism of electric power production stimulation of iterated sources in Ukraine is demonstrated which means the «Green» price for the subjects of managing that produce power from the solar and wind energy.


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Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange