Legal Regulation of Digitalization as a Vector for Private Law Development on the Example of Educational Relations
The digital transformation of society and the legal regulation of informatization in the field of education are investigated. Modern information and communication technologies are an integral part of every business and entity; they are used in every field of human activity, where education is no exception. Informatization of education is a rather complex modern trend associated with the introduction into the educational process of various information tools based on microprocessors, as well as electronic products and new pedagogical technologies based on the use of information and communication technologies for learning. There are several areas of digitalization of education, each of which has already received or is waiting for legal regulation. IT technologies are at the forefront of the ongoing educational reform in Ukraine. Modern legislation of Ukraine and, in particular, the framework education law have defined the following areas of digitalization of the educational sphere: online submission of documents for admission to educational institutions; attribution of information and communication competence to key competences; involvement of information and communication technologies in the educational process in the form of activation of distance learning; expansion of teaching methodology due to the emergence of Kahoot methods and educational Hackathon; transparency and general availability of information about the activities of educational institutions on websites; benchmarking and rating of educational institutions; formation and transparency of state electronic databases on education; introduction of electronic document management, application of information-analytical system “Training”; use of the online account for students and teachers; electronic library funds; fight against academic plagiarism; online repository; the use of artificial intelligence in education. The use of information technology can improve the level of education and maintain a balance between the involvement of science and technology, on the one hand, and human resources, on the other, in the learning process. Information and communication technologies and the use of artificial intelligence in the near future will not replace in person teaching, but will significantly change the emphasis in the educational process.
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