Essence, Elements, Risks and Statistical Dimensions of Ukraine’s National Security

Keywords: national security of Ukraine, tourism safety, element, block, sphere, risk, loss, threat, danger, probability, state, legal entity, natural person


The exceptional importance, extreme necessity and permanent relevance of the study of national security problems of Ukraine are substantiated. The essence of Ukraine’s national security is clarified through protection of national interests and strengthening of national position in the spheres of health care, childhood protection, social policy, pension provision, housing and communal services, migration policy, financial services market, property rights protection, stock market and securities circulation, fiscal and customs policy, trade, business, banking services, investment policy, auditing, monetary policy, licensing, industry, agriculture, transport, communications, energy and energy saving, operation natural monopolies, subsoil use, land and water resources, minerals, education, science, science technology and innovation policy, cultural development, information protection, information technology, freedom of speech and information security, cyber security and cyber defence, ecology and environmental protection, law enforcement, anti-corruption, border activities, defence, and other areas of public administration. Elements of national security of Ukraine are grouped into economic, social, informational, educational-scientific, law enforcement, defence, ecological and cultural blocks, as well as a block of other spheres of public administration. The technique of calculation of the parameters defining level of stability and durability of national security of Ukraine is developed and offered on the basis of theoretical approach. The essence of risks, dangers and threats to the national security of Ukraine is highlighted. Variants and cases of inverse curvilinear dependence between the probability of occurrence of risks in the sphere of national security of Ukraine and the degree of stability and strength of national security of Ukraine are established, modelled and characterized. With the help of the defined integral, the methods of calculating losses and loss of benefits of the state, legal entities and individuals due to the occurrence of risks, as well as the field of spread of national security risks of Ukraine are outlined. The classification and attempt to calculate the probability of occurrence of national security risks of Ukraine by elements and blocks is made.


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