Review of the Monograph «Legal Mechanism for the Protection of Labor Rights and Legitimate Interests of Employees»

Keywords: protection, labor rights, legitimate interests, employee


The position on the monograph devoted to application of legal mechanisms of protection of labor rights of workers is stated. The relevance of the chosen direction of research in accordance with modern trends in the science of labor law is indicated. The structure of the conducted research is characterized and the author’s definitions of separate positions and concepts are approved. The conclusion about the value of the conducted research of the reviewed work for the theory of labor law and practice of application of the labor legislation is made.


Buriak, V. Ya. (2021) Pravovyi mekhanizm zakhystu trudovykh prav ta zakonnykh interesiv pratsivnykiv. Lviv : Lvivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Ivana Franka.
