Licensing of Tourist Activity in Foreign Countries
The tourism industry has been studied as one of the important components of the world economy. The place and role of licensing of tourist activity in the system of state regulation in the field of tourism are considered. The normative-legal regulation of licensing of tourist activity in Ukraine is analyzed. It is determined that the obligation to issue licenses for the right to conduct tour operators is assigned to the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine (DART). The views of representatives of the tourism business on the abolition of licensing of travel agencies in Ukraine, which was carried out on the basis of the Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Restrict State Regulation of Economic Activity». Modern approaches to the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of tourism market participants in some countries and in Ukraine are analyzed. The procedure for issuing licenses for tourism activities in such popular tourist countries as Italy, France, Great Britain, Turkey, Thailand, Japan and the UAE is considered. The legal regulation of tourism in the European Union is studied and the Directive (EU) № 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on package tours and related travel organizations is analyzed, which aims to promote the proper functioning of the internal market and achieve the highest possible higher and equal level of protection of consumers of tourist services. It is determined which public authorities in foreign countries are responsible for state regulation of tourism. The types of licenses that can be obtained when opening travel agencies in foreign countries are considered. It is established that the procedure for obtaining a license differs from country to country and depends on a number of factors, including: models of public tourism management, development of the general legal framework, formation and structure of the tourism market, the presence of an association of tourism professionals. The improvement of state regulation of tourism development in Ukraine on the basis of international experience is analyzed. The directions of Ukraine which are directed on improvement of tourist sphere, namely introduction of the register of subjects of tourist activity are defined.
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