Organizational and Financial Mechanism of Anti-Crisis Management of Business Entities
The article proposes to consider crisis management of the entity on the basis of a systematic approach according to which the entity through a specific organizational and financial mechanism to diagnose and monitor crisis phenomena and threats, ensuring the efficiency and growth of the value of the entity taking into account risk-based approach. It is substantiated that the anti-crisis management should implement the strategic target «the costs of overcoming the crisis should be less than the costs of rehabilitation and liquidation of the business entity». It is proved that anti-crisis management as a continuous management process at the enterprise is preventive, anticipatory, reactive and rehabilitation. It is proposed to consider the organizational and financial mechanism of crisis management as a set of methods, tools, forms and levers for preventive and reactive measures of crisis management on the basis of subject-object relations, through which a certain goal is achieved — ensuring, restoring efficiency and increasing value of the business entity. Subjects and objects of anti-crisis management are specified. The subjects include the management of the enterprise depending on the forms of ownership and the state of corporate governance. The object of management is defined as potential, real and acute crisis phenomena. Crisis management methods are specified in the framework of tactical and strategic. Crisis management tools include: reduction of general administrative expenses, optimization of organizational structure, restructuring of enterprise assets, re-profiling, liquidation of receivables, SWOT-analysis, PEST-analysis. It is noted that the implementation of organizational and financial mechanism of crisis management of economic entities should provide crisis prediction and identification of potential risks, threats and dangers, assessment of financial and economic condition of the enterprise, its value, development of anti-crisis measures by mobilizing internal sources, implementation of financial measures, rehabilitation and reorganization, liquidation of the enterprise, controlling, monitoring and evaluation of anti-crisis management.
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