To the Issue of Determining the Limits of Municipal Legal Regulation

  • Olena Halus Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law
Keywords: municipal legal regulation, the limits of municipal legal regulation, the sphere of municipal-legal regulation, local government
Language: Ukrainian


The article notes the lack of a unifed approach to understanding the limits of legal regulation in general, and the limits of municipal-legal regulation in particular. Public relations related to the implementation of local self-government are regulated both at the level of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, as well as municipal-legal acts. At the constitutional and legislative levels, only the basic principles and guar- antees of local self-government should be determined. The limits of municipal-law regulation should be considered in two respects: frstly, in terms of the relation bet- ween different levels of legal regulation of the sphere of local self-government; and secondly, in terms of the volume of municipal-legal regulation of the relevant sphere of social relations. In terms of public relations, which are subject to municipal regu- lation, it is expedient to allocate normative and individual municipal-legal regula- tion. The limits of individual municipal-legal regulation coincide with the limits of normative municipal-legal regulation. It is worthwhile to distinguish between legal regulation of local self-government and the limits of municipal-legal regulation. The legal regulation of local self-government is multilevel, includes constitutional, le- gislative and sub-legislative regulation. Municipal-legal regulation can be attributed to sub-legislative regulation. At the legislative level, the hierarchy of subordinate normative legal acts has not been defned in the event that they regulate the same social relations. Therefore, in the opinion of the author, in the aspect of the relation- ship of different levels of legal regulation of the sphere of local self-government, the limits of municipal-legal regulation are stipulated by its subordinate nature and are determined by the requirement not to contradict the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. Regarding the exercise of delegated powers by regional and district coun- cils, the limits of their municipal-legal regulation are defned in the relevant act on the delegation of authority (contract on the delegation of authority). From the point of view of the volume of municipal-legal regulation of the relevant sphere of public relations, the Constitution of Ukraine defnes the limits of municipal-legal regula- tion in Article 140, namely, the independent resolution of issues of local importance within the territorial community within the limits of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.


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Constitutional Law; Municipal Law