Applying International Experience in Engaging Civil Society Institutions in Anti-Corruption Processes
The article states that the existing changes in the Ukrainian society, both in economic and political spheres, influence the algorithm of formation of new relations between the state, its institutions and civil society. It is underlined that the day-to-day interaction of the authorities and the society plays the role of the key to the political stability and development of each state since the existing problems of the development of the Ukraine cannot be solved without the support of the civil society. Displayed obstacle also applies to civil society institutions. A system analysis of the role of civil society institutions in the process of preventing corruption in state and local self-government bodies has been carried out with the help of a number of doctrinal, theoretical and specific practical problems resolving.
It is pointed out that the expediency of the problem of assimilation of civil society institutions in the realm of the subjects of corruption prevention is substantiated by a number of factors, the main among which is the low effectiveness of the modern methods of corruption offenses counteraction, evidenced by the persistent increase in the number of corruption episodes. This task is impossible without actualization of the national legal system.
It is noted that the current condition of the legal doctrine, in the context of the study of determinants that cause inappropriate level of effectiveness of day-to-day activity of civil society institutions, is characterized by considerable invariance and, at times, contradictory concepts. It has been found that in order to form a systematic and effective mechanism for implementation of progressive international experience in the professional activity of civil society institutions there is a need to structure the existing concepts in the administrative-legal dimension of the organization of their activity that will provide actual methods to outline ways of solving these tasks in the format that have already been tried by the international community.
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