A Program Approach to Solving the Problems of Innovative Development of the Economy

Keywords: responsibility, state target program, innovative economic development, efficiency of public administration, program-target method of management


The subject of the study is the assessment of the effectiveness of the application of targeted integrated programs in solving important problems of the country’s innovative development. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical and methodological approaches, develop recommendations of a methodological and practical nature, aimed to improve the procedure of the formation, adoption and evaluation of the implementation of state targeted programs (STP). The effectiveness of applying the program approach to solving the most important problems of the country’s development is shown by the example of the construction of the Dnieper hydroelectric station. Attention is focused on key success factors in construction: patriotism, faith in the future, high qualification of workers, employees, managers, charisma of the program manager, will and comprehensive support of the state leadership. The analysis of the implementation of STP in Ukraine during 2018-2018 is made. Attention is focused on their chronic failure due to non-compliance with the provisions of the methodology of the program approach in management and methodological recommendations for the development and implementation of STPs. An attempt was made to establish a causal relationship, the interdependence between the quality of preparation of the STPs and the final results of their implementation. Attention is paid to assessing the level of innovativeness of the national economy, the reasons for its decline. The necessity of forming improved mechanisms for system program management is emphasized. It was recommended to improve the goal-setting procedures, the application of the principle of comprehensiveness in planning program activities in conjunction with targets, resources, deadlines, and fixing performers. The importance of strict observance of financial discipline in the implementation of programs, the prevention of the creation of various corruption schemes in the allocation of resources was emphasized. The necessity of improving the system for monitoring the implementation of STP measures is emphasized. It is proposed to consolidate in the legal documents the provisions on the mechanism for the distribution of moral, material and administrative responsibility of officials for the implementation of decisions aimed at timely and high-quality achievement of the established goals of the program and especially when they are not fulfilled.


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Economics and National Economy Management