The Concept and Content of Adaptation of Ukrainian Civil Legislation to EU Legislation in the Field of Sales

Keywords: sales contract, adaptation, unification, harmonization, EU law, recoding, CESL


The article investigates the legal nature of the processes of adaptation of the civil legislation of Ukraine to the EU legislation in the field of purchase and sale. The issues studied in the scientific work are updated through the prism of re-encoding of civil legislation in Ukraine. The author emphasizes the importance of the process of approximation of legal orders within integration associations or other international organizations. Legislative approximation with EU law means the transposition, implementation and enforcement of EU law in the national legal practice of third countries; legislative process aimed at gradually approximating and bringing the legal framework of partner countries in line with EU law. The author studies the draft Common European sales law (CESL) through the prism of its importance for the harmonization of EU law and the adaptation of national legal orders. In the article the author emphasizes the ambiguity of interpretations of the content of the adaptation of national legislation. The author takes the position that adaptation is not limited to issues of legislation, as it is about law enforcement practice and legal techniques. The author proposes to perceive adaptation as a component of the harmonization process, which is aimed at purposeful convergence and harmonization of legal regulations in order to achieve consistency of legislation in a particular area. In fact, adaptation is the final stage of harmonization of legislation, because without the harmonization of national legislation with a single body of legislation, there will be no process of harmonization within a particular international community or community. Given the content of the Association Agreement, the author points out the main areas of adaptation of civil law in the field of purchase and sale: consumer protection in the field of electronic commerce; consumer protection against unfair pricing methods; consumer protection in the field of product safety, etc. The author defines the concept of adaptation of civil legislation of Ukraine to EU legislation in the field of purchase and sale as a process of gradually achieving compatibility of existing civil legislation and new acts of Ukraine with EU acts in the field of sale.


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Civil Law and Civil Process; Family Law; International Private Law