Organization of Remote Access to Education in the Convention of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Innovation, Opportunities and Quality
The article defines that the state is assigned the task of managing changes, especially in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, and this includes the purposeful development, adoption and implementation of organizational, regulatory, coordinating, controlling and motivational influences aimed at updating, innovative content, modernization or large-scale reform of education, as well as appropriate support for the processes of educational transformations that have already begun and are continuing. The essence and purpose of the concept of distance learning is analyzed. It is proved that this is an individualized process of acquiring knowledge, skills, skills and methods of cognitive activity of a person, which occurs through the interaction of remote participants in the educational process in a specialized environment using computer equipment and communication networks. It is noted that among the variety of prospects and advantages of this type of training, there are also significant disadvantages. It is noted that distance learning is based on the principle of flexibility of place, time, and pace of learning, especially during the COVID–19 pandemic. The ability to influence certain aspects of their learning increases students’ internal motivation. Independent responsibility for your own learning activities is formed gradually, so you should increase your autonomy in the learning process. Regarding the consequences of closing schools and switching to distance learning, there are interrupted learning, nutrition problems, stress for teachers, especially older people, parents ‘ lack of preparation for distance home education, deterioration of child care, economic losses, unforeseen burden on the health system, social isolation, difficulties in measuring and checking the assimilation of knowledge. It is determined that the crisis that brought the educational process to remote mode became a motive for revaluing the tools and tools of digital technologies introduced in educational institutions earlier.
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