Child as a Participant in Obligatory Legal Relations
It is determined that, in accordance with the provisions of civil law, the obligation is a legal relationship in which one party (debtor) is obliged to perform a certain act in favour of the second party (creditor), that is, to perform an act determined by contract or law or to refrain from a certain action, and the creditor has the right to require the debtor to fulfil its duty. The presence of a certain number of persons participating in the obligation of the entities of the obligation (creditor and debtor) is a characteristic feature of the binding legal relationship. Scientific approaches and approaches outstanding in the normative legal acts on understanding the concept of «child» have been analyzed. It is proved that in the Civil Code of Ukraine the concept of «child» is used only in some articles (part 2 of article 25, part 1 of article 35, part 3 of article 72, part 2 of article 285, part 3 of article 295, part 1.4 of article 1200 part 1 of article 1242, etc.) at the same time this category is used regarding, that is, when determining the question regarding the legal status of a conceived and unborn child, regarding the personal non-property rights of individuals, regarding the issue of compensation for harm, hereditary legal relations, etc. It is justified that civil law does not identify the concept of «child» with a person before the age of 18. The peculiarities of the child’s participation in binding legal relations, in particular in contractual and non-contractual relations, were studied. The characteristics of the child’s participation in contractual binding legal relations are defined: 1. The child is subject to contractual obligations until he or she reaches the age of 14, as he or she has the right to engage in petty domestic transactions; 2. The child may be subject to contractual obligations at the age of 14, and the scope and capacity of the child is increased; 3. The child has the same rights as other subjects of binding legal relations. 4. Obligatory legal relations involving the child arise in relation to property and personal non-property benefits; 5. Legal facts are the basis for legal relations involving the child. The legislative approach is disclosed regarding the peculiarities of the participation of the child, namely a minor and juvenile person, in non-contractual obligations, in particular in obligations for compensation for harm.
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