Digitalization of Provision of Administrative Services in the Field of Construction

Keywords: administrative services in the field of construction, digitalization, e-government, permit documentation, reform of public authorities


In the article the author explores the main problems of digitalization of administrative services in the field of construction. It is indicated on the validity of the grounds for digitalization of administrative services. The author determines that administrative services in the field of construction are accompanied by a significant share of corruption risks. In the article, the author substantiates that the digitalization of administrative services in Ukraine, including in the field of construction, is an ongoing process that is undergoing significant changes. It is emphasized that during 2020 the national legislation underwent significant changes in the study area, but they did not bring the expected result due to several factors, including political. The author argues that the initiated changes in the functioning of the electronic system in construction will contribute to the legislative definition of the concept of a single state electronic system in construction, ensuring accessibility, convenience, transparency of administrative services in construction, openness, accessibility, reliability, relevance, completeness and security, information (data) of the electronic system, etc. The author argues that declaring equal status and legal force of information and documents will have real results only if such recognition is fully operational for all types of documents at the level of all types of administrative services, especially those with a relevant list of documents in the field of construction. The main factors hindering the development of digitalization of administrative services in the field of construction are substantiated (lack of political will in the issue of radical reform of the system of bodies in construction and urban planning; inertia of the system of administrative services in digitalization, etc.). The author argues that the advantages of using modern information technology in the provision of services in the field of construction are maximum transparency and reduction of corruption risks in construction. However, to implement the project of digitalization of the provision and receipt of administrative services, it is necessary to work more deeply on the regulatory framework in this direction and minimize the impact on human decision-making on the provision of administrative services.


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