Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Public Governance in the Field of Tourism in the Conditions of Adaptation to EU Standards
The article is devoted to the study of public administration in the field of tourism in terms of adaptation to the standards of the European Union. Emphasis placed on the fact that the state of domestic policy in the field of tourism does not meet modern world standards of industry management at the state level. In connection with the transition from a planned to a market model of state development in the last two decades, there have been clear problems that prevent the full use of the tourist and recreational potential of Ukraine. On the one hand, the underdevelopment of domestic tourism correlates with the general problems of political, social and economic nature inherent in developing countries at a certain stage of their development. On the other hand — the lack of the necessary methodological framework and lack of methodological developments for state regulation of tourism correlates with the impossibility of practical application of tourism laws, tourism development programs and the formation of tourism regulation structures at the national level, which directly and indirectly affect the adaptation of Ukrainian legislation and state -management activities in accordance with the standards of the European Union. Based on the results of doctrinal and comprehensive research, it concluded that in the context of promoting the gradual convergence of domestic and European public administration environment, strengthening economic and trade relations that will lead to Ukraine’s gradual integration into the EU internal market, expanding cooperation based on the rule of law and respect for the rule of law. Human rights and fundamental freedoms, the sphere of tourism occupies one of the key aspects not only at the national level but also at the international level. At the same time, in the context of adaptation of domestic legislation and public administration to EU standards, it is advisable to develop a methodology and action plan aimed at implementing the holistic guidelines and principles enshrined at the European level.
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