Culture and Education in the Field of Intellectual Property Contexts of Enforcement of International Obligations

Keywords: culture, education, value, intellectual property, international obligations


The analysis of enforcement of international obligations in the field of intellectual property in Ukraine is carried out. Obligations arising from the conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine and the World Intellectual Property Organization on the establishment of the National Training Centre for Intellectual Property in Ukraine from October 3, 2019 are considered. The participants in the enforcement of international obligations and the main purpose of concluding the Memorandum are determined.The concept of development of culture and education in the field of intellectual property in Ukraine is analysed. The potential audience of the project is determined, in particular: students of secondary education, students of specialized education, participants of a creative projects, associations, students of higher education, representatives of the creative industries and innovations, public sector, business, professional communities, intellectual property specialists. It is concluded that the mission, values and objectives of the project are important to ensure the learning of intellectual property throughout life. It is noted that the values of the project are: a culture of respect for intellectual property and the rights of creators, education in the field of intellectual property, a high level of legal awareness - respect for the rights of creators. To ensure these values, the mission of the project for the development of culture and education in Ukraine is formed, namely: education of legal culture in the field of intellectual property, promotion of information on the protection of intellectual property rights; raising the level of legal awareness and deepening knowledge in the field of intellectual property; promoting the development and strengthening of human resources in the field of intellectual property. The objectives of the project are defined taking into account the audience, values and mission, which are to develop curricula, including training, development of popular science, educational and scientific literature in the field of intellectual property, educational activities and more. Examples of offline and online formats of educational activities in Ukraine are given. The experience of their implementation in Ukraine is analysed on the example of separate formats and measures. The article demonstrates the coverage of the entire audience of the project in the reporting period and a combination of online, online formats with the publication of popular science literature.


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International Law