Implementation of Foreign Experience in Ensuring Energy Security of the State in the Framework of Improving Ukraine’s Energy Policy
The article substantiates that the exhaustibility of energy resources, their non-renewability has a negative impact on energy-intensive economies. The author proves that the energy sector of the state, as a key aspect of innovative development, is a powerful tool of geopolitical influence and change the balance of power in the context of protecting the national interests of the state in the implementation of foreign policy. It is established that industrialized countries (Germany, Great Britain, etc.) are characterized by GDP growth without increasing (while reducing) the use of energy resources. It is studied that ensuring US energy security should be based on a number of principles, including the principle of diversification of supplies; the principle of stability; the principle of integration of countries in order to ensure a stable supply of oil and the principle of efficiency in obtaining important information. It is determined that the government of the People’s Republic of China, along with a balanced state policy in the energy sector, actively involves local authorities in the implementation of national energy and investment projects. In the study of this issue, it is found that Germany is characterized by the priority of using alternative fuels, biofuels and a gradual increase in the share of renewable energy sources in the energy sector. And the basis of France’s energy security is nuclear energy and the active introduction of environmentally friendly technologies. The author considers the key advantages and disadvantages for Ukraine from membership in ENTSO-E. It is noted that in order to increase the efficiency of the energy sector and, consequently, the energy security of the state should consider the feasibility and effectiveness of the main areas of energy reform that can be applied, including restructuring, privatization of energy companies and liberalization (significant weakening of state regulation). The analysis of foreign experience in ensuring the energy security of the state makes it possible to identify a number of key areas of decarbonisation in order to make changes in the formation and implementation of state policy in the energy sector in Ukraine.
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