The Impact of the Launch of the Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline on the Political Situation in the EU and Ukraine

Keywords: energy dependence of state, lobbying of interests, Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, natural gas transit


The article establishes that the availability of fuel and energy resources becomes a tool of powerful influence in the international arena. When researching the mentioned problems, the significant influence of Russian capital and joint projects on the processes of formation and adoption of foreign policy decisions, changes in the vector of foreign state policy in lobbying interests by Russia is shown. The work proves that the exporting state builds its foreign policy from a position of strength and protects national interests through strategic and tactical manipulations (regulation of energy market prices in the interests of partner countries; creation of conditions for artificial deficit; use of energy dependence of importing countries for lobbying interests in foreign policy or coercion into strategically disadvantageous alliances). The political prerequisites and specifics of the positioning of the USA, EU member states and Ukraine in terms of the construction and commissioning of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline are analysed, the possible impact on the state of European security and the consequences for Ukraine are determined. The behaviour strategy and state policy of supporters and opponents within the framework of project implementation are outlined. It is established that support for the launch of the gas pipeline by Germany, as a key player of the EU, especially during military operations on the territory of Ukraine, may lead to a change in positions in the format of the alliance's functioning. In Ukraine, the launch of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline is a direct threat to national interests and the integrity of state borders, as the challenges and threats are both economic (blocking gas supplies, limiting the volume of gas transit through the territory of U kraine) and geopolitical in nature (being at the intersection of spheres of influence EU and NATO Ukraine must balance and adjust the vector of foreign policy).


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Public Administration