Gender Archetypes as a Factor of Career Development in the World Labor Market in the Conditions of the Information Society: Ukrainian and Global Context

  • Tetiana BIELSKA V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University
  • Mariia LASHKINA National Aviation University
Keywords: gender equality, gender archetypes, mediatization, digitalization, public administration, career development


The authors of the article analyzed specifics of mediatization and digital technologies, their impact on the labor market and career development associated with gender differences, which are still based on deep psychological structures and affect the public sphere and management in socio-political life. It was focused on the fact that gender opportunities in each country have their own characteristics and need to be studied in one’s own socio-economic context. The Ukrainian society is gradually changing approach to the gender roles of labor market actors, taking into account global trends. It is indicated that the state policy on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men is aimed at: establishing gender equality; preventing discrimination based on gender; ensuring equal participation of women and men in making socially important decisions; ensuring equal opportunities for women and men to combine professional and family responsibilities; forming responsible motherhood and fatherhood; educating and promoting culture of gender equality among the people of Ukraine. It is determined that in the conditions of the digital transformation of the modern world, it is important to take into account the aspects of gender equality. Since technologies are affecting most sectors of the economy, the trend of increasing the number of women in such areas as entrepreneurship, information technologies, and media is quite optimistic. It is found that the overall trend in gender equality development is positive for both men and women. It is concluded that an effective policy in the field of public administration, political and media discourse, together with the system of professional development, will contribute to the extending of gender opportunities for men and women, reduce the level of stereotypes of this issue and form a values component of European society in Ukraine.


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Public Administration