State’s Energy Security in the Conditions of Strengthening of Globalization Processes

  • Vladyslav KUZ Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law
Keywords: energy security, globalization processes, state policy, energy efficiency, energy saving


The study states that energy today has a significant impact on the economy and other industries, and it represents the state of the couontry’s energy security and sustainable development of the state in the future. It is established that the problem of providing the Ukrainian economy with energy resources is not limited exclusively to economic levers and mechanisms and requires increased attention in connection with the critical dependence on the import of energy carriers and powerful transit lines and international transport corridors. A number of definitions of the category «state’s energy security» in normative documents and scientific works have been given. It is noted that along with geographical factors and the volume of available resource reserves, it is important to understand the status and position of the state on the global energy market. It is determined that the field of energy security covers five levels (global, collective, national, regional and business entity level), within which organizational structures and institutional components are distinguished within each of the levels. It has been established that the processes of globalization significantly affect the sphere of state’s energy security, in particular, they change the structure of the modern world, affect national systems of public administration and strategies in various spheres of life of society and the state, but national interests should still prevail in state policy, covering directions for reformatting the energy profile of Ukraine by greening the industry, using renewable energy sources and finding new non-traditional energy sources, actively implementing innovations and training an energy-literate domestic consumer with a conscious understanding of the objective need for energy saving and energy efficiency. Two key negative trends in the field of energy security are indicated: inefficient use of fuel and energy resources by consumer and producer countries and untimely or incomplete satisfaction of the required volumes in fuel and energy resources of the national economies of consumer countries as a tool in influencing state policy by countries -producers of such resources. The author notes that the state of war on the territory of Ukraine, the period of post-war reconstruction, new challenges and threats will require the adjustment of state policy priorities in the field of energy security.


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