Public Contract On The Internet And New Legislation On Digital Content

  • Ievgen MICHURIN V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: digital content, electronic contract form, public contract, contracts on the Internet, digital thing, smart contract


The article examines the peculiarities of a public contract on the Internet. This is a type of legal relationship in the digital environment. It has been proven that some of the contracts on the Internet are public. If contracts on the Internet contain signs of a public contract, the rules on a public contract apply to them. Currently, there is no comprehensive list of public contracts in the Civil Code of Ukraine. This allows the application of legal norms to public contracts on the Internet. This is facilitated by the dispositive nature of civil law norms. It was concluded that the Internet is only a form for legal relations that exist in civil law. These legal relations are property or personal non-property. They take place in a digital environment. The Internet is a kind of digital form of legal relations, among which there are civil ones. Peculiarities of smart contracts have been studied. Some of them are characterized by public contracts. For example, a contract on registration on an Internet platform is public. Here, one party is the consumer, who receives the rights granted by the Internet platform. The second party is an entrepreneur who owns the rights to the Internet platform. Some smart contracts are not public contracts. For example, those that are arranged inside the Internet platform. In particular, this is a contract for the sale of NFTs. It is proposed to supplement the Civil Code of Ukraine. It is necessary to add provisions on smart contracts to it. These norms should be contained in the general provisions of the contract. Internet platforms for the sale of goods can mediate in the settlement of the dispute. They contribute to establishing contact and dialogue between the parties. This contributes to the protection of consumer


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