Theoretical And Applied Aspects Of Modern Business Etiquette Of Tourist Organizations

  • Eduard SHCHEPANSKYI Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law
  • Nadiya LALUEVA Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law
Keywords: ethics, business etiquette, tourism industry, service etiquette, code of ethics, travel organization


The initial categories of business etiquette of travel companies such as «ethics», «morality», «morality», «etiquette» are clarified. The content of the concept of ethics, which is interpreted as a system of knowledge about morality, good and evil and their influence on human behaviour in relation to the world around us, is disclosed. The concept of morality is characterized, which is a system of ideas, norms, views and rules of human behaviour based on the principles of good and evil. The classification of etiquette is considered. The author describes the most common types of etiquette, including: court, military, diplomatic, secular, business, linguistic, and religious. Based on scientific works, the author analyses the definitions of the concept of «business etiquette». In particular, the following main interpretations of it are highlighted: the order of behaviour, rules of conduct, norms of interaction, communication. The author's own definition of business etiquette of a tourism organization is formed. Business etiquette of a tourism organization is a clearly defined norms of behaviour of staff with clients, business partners, as well as rules of interaction between employees of the company: managers and subordinates and equal specialists. Important spheres and forms of business etiquette of travel agencies are highlighted. These include: the etiquette of national symbols; gifts in business relations; official and protocol forms of greeting and introduction; business card; business attire; etiquette in advertising, correspondence, customer consultation; business subordination, etc. The emphasis is placed on business etiquette in tourism organizations. The subsystems of business etiquette are characterized: speech (verbal) etiquette, kinesics, etiquette proxemics, etiquette attributes. The following functions of business etiquette of tourism organizations are allocated: regulatory, recognition, identification, communicative, aesthetic, ethical. The principles of business etiquette, rules for the success of tourism organizations are formed. Ways to improve the business etiquette of tourism organizations through the introduction of codes of ethics, «ethics cards», and ethical expertise are proposed. The emphasis is placed on the need to take into account the norms of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism when developing corporate codes of ethics.


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