Formation And Implementation Of Digital Transformation The Companies: A Conceptual Aspect

  • Viktor STEPANOV Kharkiv State Academy of Culture
Keywords: digital transformation, digital technologies, digital business, digital economy, digital strategy, company development


The concept of formation and implementation of digital transformation for the development of the company is considered. The article analyzes the digital transformation of a company as a process by which digital technologies are introduced into the digital economy and business to achieve fundamental changes. It has been found that the digital transformation of a company during its formation leads to changes in three areas: customer service quality, operational processes, and business models. At the same time, the digital transformation process requires coordination across the organization and involves a change in business culture. The author outlines approaches to the company’s work that can improve the quality of customer service, stimulate employee innovation, and drive the company’s growth at a fundamental level. At the same time, the most important task of the company’s CEO is to stimulate digital transformation at all levels of the company: in processes and procedures; organizational structures; development of digital marketing and sales; offering digital services and digital business models, etc. The need to support an innovative culture that focuses on what new digital technologies should be introduced and how best to integrate them into everyday life is emphasized. At the same time, the software will help companies implement digital innovation strategies. The following stages are recommended for implementing digital transformation in a company: business transformation; developing own strategy and organizational changes; breaking down barriers to change; developing own partner ecosystem; using a flexible approach; and financing. It is determined that digital technologies, as the basis of digital business, have been integrated with business and have become more than just hardware or software. As digital technologies become more pervasive and companies move further along the path of digital transformation, digital strategy and business strategy will converge. All of this requires a change in the company’s business culture. It is proposed that in the formation and implementation of digital transformation, the possibility of integration into the European Statistical System (ESS) should be considered as a means of increasing the visibility of digital transformation.


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Public Administration