About the Journal

Policy (purpose and objectives) of a scientific publication

The journal "University Scientific Notes" is a peer-reviewed scientific publication published by Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law 

The main idea of the journal is to share the materials and scientific reviews on scientific specialties of jurisprudence, economics, and public administration among scientists from all over the world.

The scientific journal adheres to the policy of open access to published content, supporting the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and global exchange of knowledge for the development of human beings.

The scientific journal publishes original and high-quality scientific papers.

The journal's purpose is to publish scientific articles by Ukrainian and foreign scholars on the development of law, economics, and governance.

The main tasks of the scientific journal are:

  1. Methodology - discussion of the content, problems, and prospects of theory and practice of legal, economic, and managerial specialties;
  2. Awareness - dissemination of results of research, innovation, and research and teaching activities.
  3. Creativity - forming a scientific platform for further scientific collaboration by researchers from different regions of Ukraine and abroad.

The main principles on which the editorial policy of a scientific journal is based:

  • objectivity and impartiality in the selection of articles for publication;
  • high demands on the quality of scientific research;
  • blind peer review of articles (authors are not informed about the identity of the reviewer, since 2020 the practice of double-blind peer review has been launched, according to which reviewers are not aware of the identity of the author with the work of the editorial board).
  • collegiality in making decisions on the publication of articles;
  • accessibility and efficiency in communication with authors;
  • strict compliance with copyright.

Reviewers are required to adhere to the practices of scientific and academic integrity.

The authors of the materials are fully responsible for the accuracy of the information they cover, as well as for the compliance of the materials with the law, morals, and ethics.

The editorial board is not responsible for the professional content and methodological correctness of the published materials, as well as the literary sources contained in the text of the article. The correctness of all links to Internet resources is checked as of the time of receipt of the article in the editorial board


The journal "University Scientific Notes" (until 2005 - "Bulletin of the Khmelnytskyi Institute of Regional Management and Law") is a periodical scientific journal on the problems of law, economics and management

 Full title:

  • Університетські наукові записки (Ukrainian)
  • University Scientific Notes (English)

Abbreviation – «UNZ» according to http://bit.ly/UNZ_ISSN

 Initial Founder (2002) - Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law

Cofounders (since 2009):

1) Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law

2) National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

3) Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Publisher – Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law

ISSN 2078-9165 (Рrint)

 Publication frequency – 6 issues per year

 Languages – Ukrainian, English, Russian, Polish


  • Law
  • Public administration
  • Economics
  • Business
  • Management
  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • Demography
  • Econometrics
  • Statistics
  • Philosophy

 Open Access Policy Journal

 Editor-in-chief Oleh OMELCHUK, Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine

Executive EditorYurii BILOUSOV, Candidate (PhD) of Juridical Science, Professor

Founded in 2002 as a project of Khmelnytskyi Institute of Regional Management and Law

Registered as a media in the Minister of Justice of Ukraine (current version КВ № 24390-14230ПР від 04.05.2020 р.)

Databases and indexing. The List of Refereed Scientific Edition of Ukraine since 2003 (national category “Б” on 13 specialties) – Оrder of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No 1188 of 24.09.2020, No 1471 of 26.11.2020. 

Provided with DOI (doi: 10.37491/UNZ – Digital Object Identifier) since 2019

Index Copernicus (ICV 2019: 72.54) http://bit.ly/UNZ_IC

Attribution: СС ВY 4.0


Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law,

Heroiiv Maidanu Street, 8, Khmelnytskyi, 29000, Ukraine,

phone +380(382) 71-80-96, +380 (96) 354-60-93,

E-mail: unz@univer.km.ua

Index Copernicus International http://bit.ly/UNZ_IC

Google Scholar http://bit.ly/UNZ_Google

Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine http://bit.ly/UNZ_Vernadskyi

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