The Impact Of Various Factors, Risks And Threats On The Functioning Of Enterprise Administrative Management Systems In The Context Of Globalization

  • Olga FEDYK Lviv National Environmental University
  • Serhiy FEDYK Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Keywords: administrative management, globalization, risks, competitiveness, enterprises, technologies, efficiency


The article examines the fundamental aspects of the functioning of enterprise administrative management systems in the context of contemporary globalization processes. It analyzes the impact of various internal and external factors shaping the operational environment of enterprises, as well as explores the threats emerging in a dynamic and unstable setting. Particular attention is devoted to economic, social, technological, environmental, and political challenges faced by enterprises worldwide. The article highlights that globalization creates new opportunities for enterprises, including access to international markets and the facilitation of technology and resource exchange. However, it also intensifies competition and complicates operational conditions, requiring administrative management to demonstrate high adaptability and strategic oversight. A special emphasis is placed on ensuring enterprise resilience in crisis situations, such as economic downturns, political conflicts, or natural disasters. The study underscores the importance of innovative management approaches, particularly the integration of digital technologies such as automation and ERP systems. These technologies enable the optimization of managerial processes, cost reduction, and increased operational efficiency. Simultaneously, the critical role of cybersecurity is emphasized as a key area for ensuring informational stability and protecting enterprises from external threats. The article also places a significant focus on human resource policy. It highlights the importance of professional development for employees, the formation of a corporate culture that fosters initiative and responsibility, and the involvement of personnel in strategic processes. The necessity of investing in training, leadership skill development, and creating conditions for professional fulfillment is identified as a prerequisite for the effectiveness of administrative systems. The study explores the influence of external factors, including economic instability, changes in regulatory environments, climate challenges, and the increasing emphasis on social responsibility. In conclusion, the article states that the successful functioning of enterprise administrative management systems in today’s globalized environment depends on integrating flexibility, innovation, strategic approaches, and social responsibility. It stresses that only by considering all factors and threats; while applying a comprehensive management approach, can enterprises achieve sustainable development and ensure their competitiveness in international markets.


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