To the Question of Determination of Maintenance of Concept «Informative Relations»

  • Valentyna Kizliar Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law
Keywords: informative relations, informative sphere, virtual informative relations
Language: Ukrainian


Today's society is at a new historical phase of development based on information where crucial role played by information technology, and the production and use of information is the main way of activity in all areas of society. Information activities expanded both the scope that existed in society (political, economic, social, scientific, technical, international, etc.) and the areas where appearance is a result of this activity — is the sphere of information technologies and cyber sphere. Information impact on the state, society and the citizen is now more effective than political, economic and even military. Information becomes a real, almost physically palpable force. The category of «information» is one of the most important factors of public relations and is the basis of the origin and functioning of individual groups of these relations — relations information. Sphere of informative relations, for today, not only is one of major spheres of any society but also informative relations became inalienable part of any sphere of vital functions of man. Generalizing the different going of scientists near determination of informative relations, we can draw conclusion, that having regard to a novelty and not investigationalness of these relations exists two diametrically different going near this question. However, to our opinion, the representatives of both approaches assume a error, namely, they do not take into account that unlike other public relations that exist only in the real measuring, informative relations exist both in the real and in virtual space. Informatively-virtual relations are a new type of informative relations as public relations that arise up change and cease in relation to the appeal of information in a cyberspace. It is needed to acknowledge relations that does not touch motion of information directly inalienable part of informatively-virtual relations, however, exactly they form optimal terms for an informative communication as process of transmission and receipt of information. Exactly relations tangentially the cyberbuck of culture, cyberbuck of moral and cyberbuck of education can provide the civilized development of informatively-virtual relations.


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Administrative Law and Process; Financial Law, Informational Law