Strategic Approach to State Regional Economic Policy in Ukraine

Keywords: state regional economic policy, principles of implementation of state regional economic policy, conception of the strategy of state regional economic policy, regional development, region


Under modern conditions, there is a need to update the state regional economic policy in Ukraine. Problems of the social and economic development in Ukraine explains the need to pay attention to implementation of state regional economic policy in Ukraine. Scientific and theoretical bases of state regional economic policy have been a point of many researches made by scientists. However, lots of theoretical issues on the essence of strategic approach to state regional economic policy are not fully researched. The state regional economic policy of Ukraine has been investigated. State regional economic policy is a purposeful activity of the state in economics at regional level directed at the stimulation of effective development of productive forces of regions, rational usage of resources, providing optimal conditions for the population vital activity, ecological security and advancement of territorial organization of population. The features of implementation of state regional economic policy in Ukraine are being investigated. The success of regional policy depends on the apt definition of the regions, criteria of their development, level of their correspondence to the administrative and territorial arrangement of the state. For practical realization of the policy, it is necessary to form and advance the relevant mechanism. The algorithm of forming the conception of strategy of state regional economic policy is considered in Ukraine. Goals of the state regional economic policy in Ukraine are generalized. Under today’s conditions, the state of regional social and economic development requires the improvement of forming and implementation of state regional economic policy in Ukraine. Conceptual bases for strategy of state regional economic policy in Ukraine are developed.


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Mechanisms of Public Administration