Formation of the Migration Policy of the European Union and its Relationship with Security Policy

Keywords: migration, refugees, migration crises, EU migration law, common migration policy


The problem of international migration, especially illegal migration, is a very politicized problem in most EU member states. Countries such as Italy, France or Spain have a strong interest in reducing the influx of illegal workers into national labor markets. This anti-immigration pressure has a profound effect on the EU’s common migration policy. Immigration has become a real challenge for the countries of the European Union. Some member states, unable to cope with the problem of assimilation and integration of their immigrants, have become hostages of populist slogans in the fight against illegal migration and crime. Under the threat of an increase in the number of migrants in the EU, the question of the impossibility of gradual integration is becoming increasingly apparent. Ukraine has declared its membership in the European Union as its normative goal. In the course of strengthening Ukraine’s cooperation with the EU and Ukraine’s integration into the European community, the stability of migration legislation is necessary. Therefore, based on the experience of the European Union, Ukraine must create and implement its own legal norms and principles of the domestic legal system in accordance with the standards and principles of European law. The aim of the article is to present the evolution of European migration management policy. The article shows that migration has been inextricably linked to security issues since the beginning of European integration. However, such policies do not take into account important demographic challenges for the EU economy, especially the problem of population aging. The historical preconditions of the legal regulation of migration processes in the law of the European Union are considered, the analysis of normative documents of the EU law and in this sphere is carried out. It is concluded that the existence of a sufficiently extensive system of protection of migrants’ rights in the EU and determining their status does not guarantee a solution to the problems of such persons. Overcoming migration crises is a matter of joint efforts of the entire international community. Solving the problems of migrants must depend on the coordination of the political will of states.


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International Law