Project-Oriented Policy of Ecological Development of the Regions of Ukraine: Basic Approaches

  • Hryhorii BUKANOV Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute for Public Administration National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
Keywords: region, sustainable (balanced) development of regions, ecological development, regional ecological policy, project-oriented policy of ecological development, project management, ecological marketing, benchmarking, cluster approach


The article highlights the main approaches and their potential in the formation and implementation of project-oriented policy of environmental development of the regions of Ukraine. It is proved that ensuring sustainable balanced regional development in Ukraine is one of the most important prerequisites for its sustainable (balanced) economic growth in social, economic and environmental aspects, and the management of environmental development of the region is implemented through the formation and implementation of both the strategy of state (national) policy and regional environmental policy. Sustainable or balanced development of regions involves the development of all its components, and especially — environmental. Greening of state and regional development is a natural process of further improvement of economic relations and the achieved level of development of productive forces, based on ecologically oriented innovation policy of the state and regions to ensure environmental security of the state and its territories. It is determined that the regional ecological policy acts as a component of the national ecological policy, which is based on the ecological national and international legislation, standards and norms and contributes to the sustainable development of the region as a socio-ecological and economic system. The basis of regional environmental policy are the following principles: priorities of national interests; legislative provision of rights and powers of regional policy subjects; taking into account the peculiarities of the regions; partnership, which provides for the need to establish cooperation between public authorities at all levels and local self-government and to ensure political stability and social harmony in the implementation of national policy. The managerial possibilities of such approaches to the formation of project-oriented policy of ecological development of regions as project management (project management), marketing of territories or ecological marketing in the context of sustainable development of regions, benchmarking in ecological development are singled out and defined regions as strengthening the competitiveness of the region, a cluster approach in the ecological development of regions. An environmental project (or a project in the field of environmental protection) means a complex system of interconnected structured tasks and measures for environmental protection, which have a stage-by-stage nature of implementation aimed at solving the problems of ecological development of the region.


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Public Administration