Modelling of Community-Power Interaction in the Context of E-Democracy

  • Anatolii Shyian Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Liliia Nikiforova Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Anzhelika Azarova Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Liudmyla Tkachuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
Keywords: modelling, interaction, government, community, public administration, electronic media, expert, analyst
Language: Ukrainian


E-democracy provides a great number of new channels for interaction between government and the community. This new circumstance for Ukraine poses powerful challenges to communication between the authorities and the community. The task of community and government interaction in the context of e-democracy and public administration is determined. The model of Hoteling was used to aggregate the preferences of individuals, which allowed us to propose a new functional model of interaction between the authorities and the community. It includes the electronic media and the community of experts and analysts as mandatory components. Community development requires two conditions: 1) a sufficiently large number of people belonging to the «middle class» (i.e., the benefits of which are not very different from the median voter); and 2) all «middle class» voters should have complete and objective information about the consequences of the decision that they must make. E-democracy and e-governance should focus on fulfilling these two conditions. It is in this sense that one should understand D. Ajemoglu and J. Robinson's thesis that political institutions (which are crucial for involving as many people as possible in decision-making) determine success on the path to a developed society. The activities of state and regional authorities are carried out within the framework of individual projects. E-democracy requires community involvement at all stages of project development and implementation. Taking this into account in the proposed model of communication allows to effectively bring information for analysis and justification from the authorities to the community, as well as to the community to effectively influence the decisions of the authorities. The decisive factor is the set of experts and analysts, as well as their communication with the community and the power of communication channels (the role of which is electronic media). Then the social group in which the median voter is located receives all the information necessary to make the best choice. And the set of feedbacks between the community and the authorities allow to effectively manage the socio-economic development of society.


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Mechanisms of Public Administration