Analysis and Forecast of Marketing Strategies and PR in the Condition of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Keywords: marketing strategies, PR, coronavirus, brand, analysis, forecast


The current coronavirus crisis is forcing many companies to adjust their strategies and marketing plans. It would be a big mistake to abandon promotion altogether, because for the market, a crisis is not a destruction, but a changing environment. Who will be able to adapt to change and most importantly — to prepare for the next stage, success awaits. But we must act carefully and with a view to the future. Thus, the aim of the article is to identify the role of marketing strategies and PR during coronavirus, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of existing marketing strategies, as well as to develop a mechanism for selecting the most successful of them. It is investigated that the increase of online purchases leads to an increase in the impact of in-app advertising, more developed logistics in the regions; consumers also prefer remote methods of product selection more often than personal shopping. It is determined that non-standard vector for improving the brand reputation are educational or commercials. It is also investigated that socially-oriented marketing successfully replaces part of traditional communications; however, the proportion of routine interactions still requires routine audience work practices. Socially-oriented topics should include: communication about the internal structure of the company and measures to adapt to the conditions, assistance and special conditions for its employees; publications on external prosocial, such as donations; use of the platform as a training platform, dissemination of educational material; manifestation of sectoral solidarity. It is considered that thematic strategies optimally fit into anti-crisis procedures. It is determined that a more tolerant attitude to the private sector allows to level the negative with less effort and produce an organic positive through communication with people; the population spends more time and effort on consumption and content creation, but is oversaturated with dry and pragmatic formats. It has been investigated that search engine promotion supports the position of the site for the sake of filling the marketing funnel, not just conversions; the combination of channels reduces the cost of context and targeting, allowing you to clearly specify the audience and spend organic resources only on the target segment.


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