Detection and Management of Threats in the Structure of State Policy for Critical Infrastructure Protection

Keywords: critical infrastructure, critical infrastructure protection, public policy, risks, threats, risk management, fuzzy logic theory


The article analyses the theoretical approaches to the content of the concept of «critical infrastructure protection». It is determined that the key emphasis in most approaches is on the problems of threats and risks of their occurrence for critical objects. It is noted that the foundation of the scientific substantiation of the state policy of critical infrastructure protection should be formed on the basis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the detection and management of these categories. The greatest danger to the functioning of critical infrastructure in Ukraine is recognized as military threats and risks of emergencies at critical facilities. The analysis of scientific developments on identification of the definition of «critical infrastructure security risk» in the state protection policy is carried out. It is disclosed as the probability of an accident, danger, accident or catastrophe in the operation of critical infrastructure. Management takes place in conditions of uncertainty and the need to predict many alternative situations. It is emphasized that the variety of problems of critical infrastructure protection determines the need for systematic risk analysis in security management (risk analysis). Features of critical risk analysis are the analysis of potentially negative consequences arising from the failure of technical systems, failures or errors by personnel of the facility. Emphasis is placed on the component of «critical risk management» as the main component of the state policy of critical infrastructure security. This category is analysed from the standpoint of administration and management. The conclusion is made that it is necessary to supplement the state policy of critical infrastructure protection with «critical risk management». The result will be a stronger component of the protection of public and private critical facilities. It is determined that making managerial decisions within the proposed critical risk management is carried out in conditions of uncertainty. To solve such problems, it is proposed to use the theory of fuzzy logic as a means of modelling.


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Public Administration