The Main Tasks And Subject Of Military And Economic Statistics

  • Roman KULYNYCH Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law
Keywords: statistics, military economy, economic statistics of the Armed Forces, military-economic statistics


The main tasks and subject of military-economic statistics as a branch of statistical discipline are proposed. The main challenges and tasks of the national economic system in the conditions of a full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine are characterized, as the solution which will accelerate Ukraine’s victory in the war. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the following elements of statistical management support, such as accounting, analysis, and forecasting of the vector of development, taking into account all the burdens of war. The key role in this process should be given to the state administration, including state statistics bodies, and, accordingly, to the improvement of statistical literacy at the appropriate level of competence of specialists. Definitions of such concepts as: «military economy», «economic statistics of the Armed Forces», «economic statistics», and «military-economic statistics» are given, and they are also classified and structured among themselves. It was determined that military-economic statistics is a branch of statistical science that studies the quantitative side of mass military-economic phenomena and processes in an inextricable connection with their qualitative characteristics in the conditions of a certain place and time. The subject of the study of military-economic statistics is the quantitative side of mass military-economic phenomena and processes inextricably linked with their qualitative characteristics in the conditions of a certain place and time. Accordingly, the object of the study of military-economic statistics is the quantitative side of mass military-economic phenomena and processes. The structure of this branch of statistical science can be successfully presented in the educational process of higher education institutions for students studying economic and military specialties and specializations (general and special).


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