Using Of Artificial Intelligence In The Cultural And Creative Industries: A Public Administration Perspective

  • Denys HERMAN Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
  • Mykola PUZKO Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Keywords: artificial intelligence, public administration, digital transformation, culture, creative industries


The purpose of this article is to explore the specific aspects of implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in the cultural and creative industries from a public administration perspective. The article analyses the main opportunities and directions for incorporating AI into public management for the development of these sectors in Ukraine. It highlights that digital transformation, facilitated by AI technologies, requires adherence to structural-functional, informational-communicative, and organizational-technological approaches. These approaches ensure decentralization, modernization of information infrastructure, and optimization of management processes. The article outlines the prospects and directions for AI integration into public administration in the cultural and creative sectors in Ukraine. It identifies the main benefits of AI, such as the ability to analyse large volumes of data, predict trends, automate routine processes, and support informed decision-making. These benefits can enhance the quality and accessibility of cultural products and create new channels and consumption models. This includes applications like the digitization of cultural heritage, management of cultural institutions, and the creation of personalized experiences for visitors. The article also identifies potential risks associated with implementing AI in public administration for the cultural and creative industries in Ukraine. These risks include issues related to copyright protection, ethics, and transparency in decision-making. Despite the significant potential, the integration of AI in public administration is still in its early stages. It faces numerous challenges, such as a lack of clear methodological approaches and practical tools, as well as risks related to privacy, algorithm transparency, and employment impacts. The article emphasizes that using AI in creating creative products raises important considerations regarding the value-based foundations of the cultural and creative sectors. It transforms creativity from an individual to a collective endeavor, where the role of machine systems becomes comparable to that of humans. Additionally, the article proposes a refined definition of «creative industries» in Ukrainian legislation, considering the specificities of creating creative products with AI.


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Public Administration